Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More for the Chowder

My posting may be limited the next few weeks.

I'm going to manage a group while their manager is out for back surgery. It should only be 2 to 3 weeks but we'll see. I just hope P feels better. I felt bad watching him walking around gingerly.

This group is going to be a challenge.

  • 2 of them have bad attitudes and HR issues.
  • The other 2 are being negatively infuenced/swayed by the first 2.
  • These last 2 may be saved but the first 2 I suspect are lost.

It will be a challenge for me to keep a good attitude and to not strangle these people. I don't handle slackers/lazy people well. Everyone needs to bitch & vent sometime but if that's all you do... that won't work for me. It's OK for you to be disgruntled as long as you have constructive ideas on how to improve the situation.You need to come up with a solution not just say everything is F'ed up and a mess. It's corporate America of course everything is F'ed up and a mess!! No kidding!

If things are really that bad, get the F! out! There's the door don't let it hit you on the way out.

One of my sayings is " Adapt, die, or be grumpy". I guess they are going for grumpy. I tend towards adapt since change is the only thing constant in this universe.

I'm my parent's son. This nut didn't fall far from the tree. I'm a ball buster! Ask HC, she'll tell you. I belive in hard work. Doing the job quickly and correctly. Taking responsibility for your actions/inactions. No excuses for doing a bad job. Or slow work. No excuses for dragging your feet. It's on you unless you can provide me evidence there were mitigating circumstances.

On the plus side: I'm not a micromanager. You get an assignment and you work on it. Give me a status update when something significant/a milestone has been completed. If you're stuck? If you're running into resistance? Let me know. I'll see who I can escallate to. It's not your fight. I'll find someone to get what you need. Usually it's a failure to communicate. Don't wait until it's too late or the situation is out of control. It's a lot easier to get people's assistance when they aren't worked up.

We'll see how it goes.


At Sat Sep 30, 12:04:00 PM 2006, Blogger ChowderHead said...

PW: Thanks I'll need it. I'll need to tell you about some of the stunts that have already been pulled.

Since I'm their substitute manager, I'm going to document everything but take no actions. (Unless they do something so over the top.) Then when their manager gets back he can decide what to do. Besides, I've had none of the training courses so I don't know what I can and can't do. Can and can't say.

All I know is kicking their asses is NOT an option.


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