Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Life goes on

Sort of…

HC’s going to the doctor’s office daily & getting poked, prodded, and probed. Apparently 1 of her hormone levels hasn’t dropped back to zero yet. Soooo her body still thinks she’s pregnant. And they’ve done a bunch of sonigrams and haven’t found the embyo/zygote/fetus/junior/Waldo whatever you call it. So they’re concerned there’s an ectopic (sp) pregnancy happening. They don’t think that’s what’s going on but they must check….

Other than that, HC’s sore from all the poking, prodding, and probing. She's getting a bit cranky from the poking, prodding, and probing. And the cramping and soreness from all the attention "down there".

Monday night we met up with M and got caught up. We’d not seen M since about August so it was about time!!! It was a lot of fun. She’s one of the first people I met in college so she’s put up with me for a l-o-n-g time.

Last night I saw the Bob Mintzer Big Band at the Manchester Craftmen’s Guild. They were in town working on another recording. It was very entertaining. What a talented bunch of musicians.


At Thu Mar 01, 09:57:00 AM 2007, Blogger Paperback Writer said...

Well, I think I would be super cranky if I were being poked and prodded too! My sympathies...

At Thu Mar 01, 10:11:00 AM 2007, Blogger ChowderHead said...

PW: Thanks for your thoughts. Yes I know I'd be very cranky with all the repeated poking, prodding, and probing.

I'm a bit agitated right now: 1)Worried about her health. 2) Work is going a bit wonky. They never F'in listen. "Never mind testing something out first. Just get it done!"



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