Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What are they thinking?????

These are excerpts of e-mails I got from HC regarding HRH and NYC, his cousin from New York….

From NY:
Boo... is a perfect nick name for a watch dog of NYC's magnitude for this time of year.

He was on high alert during his morning walk with his mommy. Warning any passerby who had a second to listen that danger lurked by the mailbox up the street. The stranger caught his keen eye as he sniffed blades of grass. In that given moment NYC looked up and a snarl crossed his doggie lips as he backed up and took on an aggressive stance directly across from the stranger. Eager to warn and protect his mommy, he let out a warning bark that this stranger, cloaked in hay with the lopsided straw hat was very close and potentially dangerous! The stranger made no move toward us and yet he did not recede into the shadows but stood his ground not moving a muscle. Not wanting to loose the higher ground, NYC advanced letting out his fearless growl so that this stranger would never question NYC's intent. If necessary, NYC would rip this stranger into shreds. I have no doubt!

Life just doesn't get any better than that!

HC’s response:
Yes, have no fear for I'm well protected.

NYC and HRH truly are the sugar and spice of our lives! Gotta love the skittish watch dog in each of them!

I will never worry about you living alone again now that I know you are in such good paws.

HRH takes exception to those bright plastic 'watch children' things. Not the street signs, but the ones that anyone interested in making a citizen's arrest can purchase and place in the street to provide that extra level of protection to the fruit of their loins. HRH approaches these freakish cartoony creatures with an appropriate level of caution. He is also a little skittish on garbage night.

Perhaps plastic is his kryptonite?

My thoughts:
It is to laugh.... HRH loves his plush & food. He's not so good at protecting the house or his subjects. (Unless you're a bird, cat, or squirrel)

Cuteness IS his only defense.


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