Sunday, October 15, 2006

Whatever happened to playing nicely with others?

Whatever happened to playing nicely with others? It was important when we were kids so we didn't get into too many fights in school. Well guess what? It still counts. There’s no way around it in our society. We are no longer self-sufficient. We rely on others for our food, clothing, utilities, etc..

I know the group I'm managing think they can be surly because they know what they’re doing and the customers like them. Well, their customer satisfaction ratings have started to fall and honestly there’s no need to be constantly shitty to others at work. We all have bad days. But when that’s all you have, it’s time to move on. Find something else to do.

One of my sayings is a modified version of Darwin’s Theory: “Adapt, Die, or be Grumpy” The group I’m managing have chosen to be grumpy.

There's no need to be grumpy. Do something about your situation. Offer constructive ideas/criticism. If being here is so bad then leave. There are plenty of jobs and companies out there. But know this: The grass isn't always greener on the other side. All companies have BS. The flavor and quantity may be different but it's BS none the less!!


At Mon Oct 16, 11:18:00 AM 2006, Blogger Paperback Writer said...


At Mon Oct 16, 01:46:00 PM 2006, Blogger ChowderHead said...

PW: Just because they're miserable and hate their job, there's no need for them to rain on everyone else.

Work is tough enough without the negative waves...

At Mon Oct 16, 08:02:00 PM 2006, Blogger Michelle said...

Word. Amen.


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