Monday, December 25, 2006

Tag of Fours

My Friend Michelle has tagged me for this meme

Tag of FourFour jobs I’ve had:
1) Working in my parent's restaurant
2) Selling software
3) Network Administrator
4)IT Project Manager

Four places I’ve lived:
1) Pittsburgh
2) Akron

Four favourite foods: (Really too many to name. I'll use cuisine instead)
1) Italian
2) Mexican
3) Chinese
4) Cajun

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1) The Lord of the Rings trilogy
2) Stargate
3) The Fugitive
4) Die Hard

Four TV shows I enjoy:
1) Stargate SG-1
2) American Idol
3) Bones
4) Battlestar Gallactica

Four places I’ve travelled:
1) Paris
2) Toronto
3) San Fransisco
4) Washington, DC

Four places I’d like to visit:
1) Italy
2) Yosemite
3) Alaska
4) Canadian Rockies

Four websites I go to daily:
1) CNN
2) My friend's blogs
4) The Hunger Site


At Wed Dec 27, 10:48:00 AM 2006, Blogger Trouble said...

I'm totally addicted to SG-1.

At Fri Dec 29, 10:24:00 AM 2006, Blogger ChowderHead said...

Spill: It's a great show. Good characters. Good stories. Sci-fi. Action.


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