Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Yoga. That’s right Yoga.

HellCat thought it’d be good for us to have a fun common activity. So many of the things we do together are chores, (shopping, gardening, house projects). She also heard yoga would help us relieve stress.

I thought “Cool. This will help me stay flexible. I’ll actually learn the proper way to do stretches.”

First lesson was this past Sunday. We had a good time. I learned a lot. I stretched a lot. I put myself into positions I’ve never been in before.

I wish the instructor went a little slower and explained things a bit more. She was nice, patient, and encouraging. But she was the substitute for the substitute. AND she doesn’t usually teach the beginners course. All that aside, I had a good time.

I’ve been sore since then. My back stopped nagging me yesterday but the hamstrings are still reminding me I need to stretch them more often.

We'll be back this Sunday for our next session. Hopefully I'll be better at the stretches.


At Thu Jul 20, 10:48:00 AM 2006, Blogger Paperback Writer said...

Well, I'm glad you had a good time.



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