Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Random item

I had a friend e-mail me the following question....

How long will a turkey keep in the fridge?

Story follows...
I took it out to thaw on Wednesday night last week with the idea that it would be thawed to cook over the weekend. I wound up not really having time and when I put a hand on it on Saturday - I thought it felt still sort of frozen, so I figured I'd get to it on Monday night. I really didn't have time on Monday either but when I checked it in the same spot and it felt still frozen. I checked the other side and it was thawed. Turns out I must have been putting my hand on the spot where the giblets bag was (duh.)

Anyway, in your safest opinion, should I pitch it, cook it tonight regardless, or can I wait until tomorrow?

I told her as long as it has been kept refrigerated and the fridge has not lost power she should be OK. I told her to be on the lookout when she preps it for weird smells or colors. Also sliminess. I didn't mean to concern her but I usually roast turkeys within a few days of defrosting it. So I wanted her to be extra cautious.

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At Thu Apr 26, 10:14:00 AM 2007, Blogger Jim McKee said...

I found conflicting answers...

"Once thawed, you can keep the turkey in the refrigerator for an additional day or so before cooking."

"A frozen turkey, once thawed, must be used within seven days of thawing."

"A thawed turkey can remain in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 days."

At Thu Apr 26, 12:53:00 PM 2007, Blogger ChowderHead said...

Jim: Thanks for looking it up.

Well since we're getting answers all over the board I'll wait to see if I've inadvertantly poisoned my friend... :-(

I'll post her results.

But typically I tend to roast the turkey within a day or 2 of it being defrosted.

The way they make unfrozen turkeys & the handling there of sound, it makes me wonder if we should be eating them at all. They're made to sound dodgy and full of toxins waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting.


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