Saturday, June 30, 2007

Step up!

My crank, angry, and stress factors have been going up as of late. It’s taking a lot less to set me off. It’s taken me some time to figure out what’s up.

Part of it is: I’m mentally & emotionally exhausted. For the past 10 years, we’ve been attending to sick parents. All 4 of them have taken their turns and had their episodes. (Other than my Dad, all of it long term conditions.)

This last episode with my Dad really got me upset and thinking.

I’m fed up:

  • Of always being the ones (HC & I) who “step up” and take responsibility for things.
  • Of siblings not helping out with parents & their issues.
  • Of siblings picking and choosing what they want to do, what they don’t want to do, and when they want to do it.
  • Of always having to be the “Better person” and step up, or having to place my needs on the back burner.

How come it’s always us? How come we don’t get to pick & choose? How come it’s always us taking care of things? How come we always have to be the “Better person”? Where’s my “get out of responsibility” card?

If everyone stepped up and/or cooperated it’d make it easier for all concerned. I know I’m not perfect. I know I have flaws but come on people step up!! Just a little?

I know I can’t do much about getting others to step up to responsibilities. All I can do is adjust my attitude about it. Maybe try not to get so worked up about it. Maybe try to avoid them so I don’t open my mouth and say something I’ll regret later. It is what it is. They are who they are.

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At Thu Jul 05, 12:54:00 PM 2007, Blogger Paperback Writer said...

Again, I'm sorry. It's very hard to take care of parents when you know there are other people who could at least help you.

I think it's one of the reasons why my grandfather went to live with my uncle. We took care of my grandparents when I was younger and it definately took a toll on my mom.

At Thu Jul 05, 09:41:00 PM 2007, Blogger ChowderHead said...

PW: Thanks for your thoughts. Sometimes I get so frustrated with people.

WTF!! They're your parent(s) too!!! Don't you care?


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