Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Belated weekend update

Sorry I'm late with this. But I'm trying not to blog at work. I want to keep my head down. Considering what may happen to #1...

Our weekend was good. Friday night we hung out. Saturday we ran errands. Later in the day HC got the idea to take HRH out for a run. I told her the weather had been switching between raining like mad to sunny and windy. She wanted to take the chance. We get to dog park and we're the only fools there. 15 minutes of HRH walking/running around, the thunder and lightning start. We figure it's a sign to leave. Half way to the car it starts to SLEET sideways right in our faces!

HRH cowers to the ground, HC and I are saying! "ow! Ow! , Let's get the F' out of here!" We hunker down Saturday night after changing out of our soaked clothes.

Sunday I wasted time watching the Steeler's loose another one due to mistakes! I turned the TV off in the 3rd quarter after I started yelling at the TV and the idea of throwing things at the TV strikes me as the proper course of action.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Popularity is so nebulous. We all want it. We all crave it. Acceptance by others. Acceptance by many others. To be well regarded. To be respected. To be liked. To be thought of as cool. To have friends. To have people want to be your friend. To have people want to be with you. To have people want to be you.

  • I’ve always felt socially awkward, gangly & uncoordinated. That’s why I try to hide behind humor. When I was younger, I used to operate under the premise of “Maybe you’ll let me stick around if you find me entertaining. You might even discover I’m not such a bad guy. You might even like me.”
  • I’m not comfortable in crowds. Again with the awkward, gangly. What to say? What to do? I feel much more comfortable in small groups or 1 on 1. You’re likely to interact with more of the real me versus the clown/entertainer/outrageous me in a more intimate setting.

I don’t know where these feelings started. Probably when I started going to school.

I didn’t have many friends in grade school. I was awkward. I didn’t know what to say. What to do. I was different. I wasn’t like the other kids. I was “Them”.

The situation was no different in HS. With all the cliques and groups.

  • I was smart enough but I wasn’t into what the smart kids liked. Strike 1.
  • Not an athlete. Strike 2.
  • Not attractive enough to hang with the pretty crowd. Strike 3.
  • Not rich enough to buy my way in. Strike 4.
  • I didn’t wear the “in” clothes. Strike too many to matter.

I actually had friends in College. I’ve kept in touch with most of them. They are all good, solid, and understanding people. Maybe college was the right place for me to start growing. It was the place where everyone was in the same situation: All out of our comfort zones. Away from home for the first time. Away from what we’ve known for all our lives. Away from our cliques. Everyone’s a rookie. A newbie. Fresh meat. I began to contemplate who I was and what I was about. "You know. This is probably a good chance for me to invent/discover myself."

I came into my own in my twenties to mid thirties. I did a lot of soul searching for the: Why’s, How’s, What if’s of popularity? “What” did I need to do/say/wear/be to be more popular?

I slowly came to the conclusion: “Since I haven’t figured out the secret what/why/how of being popular or liked…Fuck it. Let it go. Don’t worry about what others think. People will either like you or they won’t. Be yourself. Do what’s right for you and won’t hurt others. It really doesn’t matter if you’re popular or not. You still need to do what’s right. You need to be able to look at yourself in the morning.”

This little epiphany made life a lot easier for me. I didn’t have to waste all the time and effort trying to do/own/wear/say/be the right thing to make everybody like me. It freed me from looking for that elusive “it” and allowed me to just be.

“Being myself” has been an ever evolving process. It’s difficult, slow, and painful going from trying to please and being accepted by everyone to being myself. All my life I’ve worked at trying to please and be accepted. (And making myself miserable and crazy in the process.) Then all of a sudden to realize a new strategy was required. It’s hard to break out of the old ways of thinking & acting. Like I said, it’s an ever evolving process.

I’ve come to accept (or reject) people for who and what they are. No games. No need for you to change. You are who you are. Conversely, don’t expect me to change. I am who I am. I am what I am. Not that I haven’t changed or grown. But don’t expect me to change to please you. I will change to please me.

I know I wouldn’t be who I am today without going through all of this. The process of discovery sucked but it needed to happen. I’m happier being myself instead of trying to be something I’m not. I’m more comfortable with who I am now. I still feel uncomfortable in crowds or large groups but that’s just me. I don’t feel the need to be the center of attention all the time anymore. Or to have to find a hole to hide in.

I’m blessed to have a good solid core of friends and family that love and accept me the way I am. Flaws and all.

I'm not sure if I’m any more popular now than I was when I was younger. The difference is now it doesn't matter to me.

So yeah. All of life’s experiences: the hurts, slights, insults. Have made me who I am. Hopefully more aware and sensitive to others. But I am who I am.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday's Feast No. 117

Friday's Feast: 117

Create a new candle scent.
Tahitian Breeze

Name one way you show affection to others.
I'll cook them a meal.

What is your favorite writing instrument?
Other than the keyboard? A Silver Parker pen my Dad gave me.

Main Course:
If you were given $25 to spend anywhere online, from which site would you buy?So many choices.. Deep Discount DVD, Amazon.

Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you going to be?
Nope. Not playing dress up this year.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


You’ve had to deal with them all of your life. Like it or not, they are a part of your life. If you want to live in a society, there will be rules. Without rules you’d have anarchy, chaos, entropy. Without a common set of rules it would be difficult to interact with others in anything more than a random way. Rules help to provide structure and meaning. Rules can help set behavioral expectations.

Some rules make sense: “Wear your seatbelt”, “Wash your hands”, “Don’t spit into the wind”

Some rules seem random: “Limit 1 per customer”, “No beer or alcohol sales in supermarkets”.

Whether you agree with them or not they are necessary.

Well, one of the members of the team, a.k.a. #1, decided the rules didn’t need to apply to him. I’m not sure what he was thinking but it was a lapse in judgment. It’s not a good sign when Information Security shows up at your desk and confiscates your PC. Our group does not make the rules OR enforce them. But our group is keenly aware of the rules.

How stupid to put your job in jeopardy just because you think you’re above the rules! Did he think he wasn’t going to get caught? In today’s age where just about everything we do can be watched and scrutinized why did he think he was safe? I just don’t get it!

I was warned this group had attitude problems and HR issues…

Who knew?!?!?!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What are they thinking?????

These are excerpts of e-mails I got from HC regarding HRH and NYC, his cousin from New York….

From NY:
Boo... is a perfect nick name for a watch dog of NYC's magnitude for this time of year.

He was on high alert during his morning walk with his mommy. Warning any passerby who had a second to listen that danger lurked by the mailbox up the street. The stranger caught his keen eye as he sniffed blades of grass. In that given moment NYC looked up and a snarl crossed his doggie lips as he backed up and took on an aggressive stance directly across from the stranger. Eager to warn and protect his mommy, he let out a warning bark that this stranger, cloaked in hay with the lopsided straw hat was very close and potentially dangerous! The stranger made no move toward us and yet he did not recede into the shadows but stood his ground not moving a muscle. Not wanting to loose the higher ground, NYC advanced letting out his fearless growl so that this stranger would never question NYC's intent. If necessary, NYC would rip this stranger into shreds. I have no doubt!

Life just doesn't get any better than that!

HC’s response:
Yes, have no fear for I'm well protected.

NYC and HRH truly are the sugar and spice of our lives! Gotta love the skittish watch dog in each of them!

I will never worry about you living alone again now that I know you are in such good paws.

HRH takes exception to those bright plastic 'watch children' things. Not the street signs, but the ones that anyone interested in making a citizen's arrest can purchase and place in the street to provide that extra level of protection to the fruit of their loins. HRH approaches these freakish cartoony creatures with an appropriate level of caution. He is also a little skittish on garbage night.

Perhaps plastic is his kryptonite?

My thoughts:
It is to laugh.... HRH loves his plush & food. He's not so good at protecting the house or his subjects. (Unless you're a bird, cat, or squirrel)

Cuteness IS his only defense.

Quote of the day

Regarding our current cold snap. And my lamentation there isn’t a transition between Summer and Winter anymore, a coworker had this statement.

“Powerball, Beach, Sun. In that order.”

How true. Where do I sign up?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Good weekend

We had a good weekend. A nice balance of chores & errands and fun activities.

Saturday: We went to the Strip District for some much needed groceries. We love shopping in the Strip District: Better prices, more variety, unique stores, and people watching. Afterwards I was going to do some yard work since the weather was going to be nice and it was going to rain on Sunday. While shopping we decided to check the Weather Channel to see if we could go for a car ride today and I could do the yard work on Sunday. Since this is Pittsburgh, I checked the Weather Channel and they said Sunday was going to 40 to 50% chance of scattered showers. We gambled and went for a car ride to look at the fall foliage out at Linn Run State Park. The leaves were very colorful. The weather was cool but sunny so it was a very nice drive. We went for a small hike and let HRH get his run on. Later that night we went to see S and his band. It’s been years since I’ve gone to a bar to see a band. S’s band was pretty good.

Sunday: Raked leaves, put away yard ornaments and garden hoses, watch the Steelers game, swap out my summer clothes for my winter clothes.

What ever happened to fall? The past few years it seems we go from winter to summer to winter, etc... There doesn’t seem to be the gradual transition of seasons anymore. Does anyone else notice this?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Who should pay?

Inquiring minds want to know: How would you reply to this question….Who’s paying?

One of the guys on the team I’m managing is leaving. When the bill comes for the going away lunch, who should pay? Who shouldn’t pay?

Goodbye Trouble.

My friend Trouble has decided to blog less and live her life more. She’s got a wonderful Chef. Her beautiful kids are growing up quickly. She and X are getting along better. She’s in a better, happier place in her life. All of these life events are requiring more of her time so something’s gotta give…

She brings up a good lesson to remember: Life is a contact sport. You must go out and experience things. Sitting on the sidelines watching is not a good way to live. You’re wasting your life by being passive instead of an active participant. It’s OK to blog in addition to living but not instead of living. (Blogging is a poor substitute for living.) Sometimes we need distractions and blogging is a good distraction but you can’t let it replace your life.

I wish her Peace, Love, Happiness, and Good fortune. I hope she’ll let us know when she’s in town so we can catch up. I also hope she knows we like and accept her, the kids, and Chef just the way they are.

What’s the difference between a Geek and a Nerd?

Inquiring minds want to know. I always thought they were interchangeable negative terms.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I got the idea for a travel post from Jim McKee’s comment on my Missed Opportunity post. He’d love to get a job that has some travel involved. I’m all for it. I say “Go for it Jim!” I think everyone should travel. You don’t have to do or go anywhere fancy or elaborate. Just get out there. It’s a great big world worth seeing.

I love to travel. I think it started when I was young. We were taught to stay close so we wouldn’t get lost or kidnapped. (The kidnapping thing was just to scare us into listening and staying close. Sadly, it’s a real concern today.) Sometimes it was just to the store but other times it was to local attractions. My parents were always working so we’d go on short excursions with them. Our Godmother was the one who would take us on day trips to attractions that were a few hours away.

Why travel?

  1. New stimuli: The new places, food, language, customs, people, and landscape. The new sights, sounds, and smells. It’s fun to learn your way around a new & different city/country.
  2. Traveling gives you good stories. My friend D used to wonder why I always had a story on hand. Travel. We all need to get out and experience the world. Travel helps to make us better rounded and interesting.

D: “Why do the girls gravitate to you?”

Me: “Funny silly crazy stories.”

D: “How come you have so many?”

Me: “Because I go out and do things. I don’t just sit around and read about life. I go out and live life.”

Internationally I’ve been to:
the UK, France, Hong Kong, Aruba, Grand Caymans, Tahiti, Cancun, Canada. Someday I’d like to go to Italy, Spain, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and the Mediterranean countries.

Traveling abroad gives me the chance to appreciate what I have. It reminds me of how lucky I am to live in the US and have opportunities to better myself (and to buy stuff). For example, in Europe and Asia not everyone owns a car. Not everyone owns a house. Not everyone can move around the country. Or go from job to job. There just isn’t that sense of freedom. The biggest difference I noticed was space. In a lot of those places it seemed like you were living right on top of one another. Everything was teeny, tiny, cramped in Europe & Asia. The shower stalls, the hotel rooms, the restaurants, people’s apartments. We have space in the US, it’s cramped in the rest of the world.

Domestically I’ve been to many of our states.

I drove across the country with D when he got a job in Seattle so I got to see a bit of the west. When I was a trainer I got to see a lot of the major metropolitan cities. I’ve been to the southwest (Grand Canyon, Arches NP, etc) and northern California (wine country) repeatedly because those are 2 of my favorite places in the US. Absolutely breathtaking scenery.

Business travel is a different beast. When it’s for work you’re on the clock. You have to get there by a certain time. You’ll be expected to perform.

The good side of traveling for work is it’s on someone else’s money. You can go to nicer restaurants, you stay at good hotels, you meet all kinds of people, new stimuli, change of routine, etc.. When traveling for work there’s the added challenge of deadlines, hitting milestones, and the need to think on your feet. When I’m brought in, I tend to be a focal point at a site. I’m looked at as a subject matter expert. Whether I’m doing the work or just planning/supervising the work. It’s quite good for my ego: “I’m the hotshot brought in to make it happen.”

The negative side is the long hours at work, strange hours you might have to work, strange places you might have to work, time away from family and friends, the added challenge of deadlines, hitting milestones, the need to think on your feet, the spotlight because you’re the hotshot brought in to make it happen.

There are cities I’ve been to that I’ve only seen the airport and the office. For example, I have no idea what Charlotte, NC is like. And the airports. They’re a mess. I understand the need of security. Why doesn’t everybody else? Why are people still trying to bring knives on to planes? Why do you think that huge 100 pound bag that you can barely lift is going to fit in the overhead compartment? I hate to be exclusionary but air travel was better 15 to 20 years ago when fewer people were traveling. Now all these clueless people are traveling and it gets annoying when they’re holding up the security line with their forbidden articles or the boarding process with their 5 oversized bags.

So Jim, if you’re OK with change and diversity/adversity then traveling for work might work for you. If you’re someone who enjoys routine and doesn’t respond well to change then traveling for work will definitely NOT be for you.

Soggy Tuesday blues..

For as much as I like what I do, I have days where I don’t want to be here. I woke up at 3:30 with my guts in a knot. I don’t know what caused it but I’m feeling better now. (Usually for me, it’s stress that causes this knotting action but right now I’m not feeling particularly stressed about anything.) It took me a bit to get back to sleep so I’m a little sleep deprived. That adds to my disposition.

But wait, there’s more…It’s dark, gloomy, and soggy. Need I say more? OK. How about windy? How about people on calls with their speakerphones turned up to 11? How about the building’s fire alarm speaker system buzzing right above my head?

Can I go home and loaf around?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Oktoberfest dinner was a great time

HC and I had a blast. We love to entertain. I love to cook and feed/over-feed my friends. That’s something I picked up from my parents. Cooking is different when you do it professionally. It can still be a passion but it’s not as intimate or personal to me. Cooking for my friends is how I show I value them and enjoy their company.

HC used to get all stressed about entertaining. All the cleaning, all the prep work, all the cooking. But I think she’s a bit more relaxed now.

Before the HC, I was more focused on the food and drinks. Less so about the house. Now I understand the importance of the entire space being readied for a party. I find it less tedious if we tag team the tasks.

Dinner was fun last night. We ended up making 2 types of keilbasa with sauerkraut and 2 types of roasted pork. It was HC's idea. I was going to keep it more traditional. She wanted to bump it up a bit. I'm always OK with that! Usually I'm the one with the elaborate ideas/schemes.

So in addition to the keilbasa with chouchroute. We made keilbasa with brown sugar, onions, apples & sauerkraut. We also took a portion of the pork loin and seasoned it with figs, fresh sage, wine, salt & pepper. They both turned out very tasty and will be made again!

Whatever happened to playing nicely with others?

Whatever happened to playing nicely with others? It was important when we were kids so we didn't get into too many fights in school. Well guess what? It still counts. There’s no way around it in our society. We are no longer self-sufficient. We rely on others for our food, clothing, utilities, etc..

I know the group I'm managing think they can be surly because they know what they’re doing and the customers like them. Well, their customer satisfaction ratings have started to fall and honestly there’s no need to be constantly shitty to others at work. We all have bad days. But when that’s all you have, it’s time to move on. Find something else to do.

One of my sayings is a modified version of Darwin’s Theory: “Adapt, Die, or be Grumpy” The group I’m managing have chosen to be grumpy.

There's no need to be grumpy. Do something about your situation. Offer constructive ideas/criticism. If being here is so bad then leave. There are plenty of jobs and companies out there. But know this: The grass isn't always greener on the other side. All companies have BS. The flavor and quantity may be different but it's BS none the less!!

Missed opportunity

It started late afternoon on Thursday. My manager needed to see me as soon as I got her message. I wasn’t sure what was going on but I always feel like the kid being called to the principal’s office. I’m not sure why I’m being called in but it’s probably for something bad I did. (Even though I can’t think of what it is I did.)


A project in Florida was going badly and they needed someone to go turn it around. I’m usually the first person that gets asked when they need someone to travel. For me, it’s usually “Yes. Oh by the way when and where?” In this case they wanted me specifically since I’ve worked on this kind of project before.

We talked about it a little bit and we both came to the same conclusion: Due to my managerial responsibilities, I won’t be able to work on this project. She needed to find someone else to go. It would have been a few weeks of long days & high pressure. But I thrive for those challenges: (I’m just crazy that way) It breaks up my routine. Keeps things fresh. Gives me a lot of practice thinking on my feet.

I was disappointed but I knew I couldn’t go. The group I’m overseeing requires supervision and the customers always have questions and requests that need to be addressed. My manager and I were both disappointed that no one in that group would step up and run the group. It’s a shame, there are 2 senior people in that group. There’s no reason 1 or both of them couldn’t step up. They’ve been around long enough to know the standards and policies. They’ve also been around long enough to know who to call if they have questions. They’ve chosen to do just enough to get by AND to have bad attitudes.

Since our conversation, she's had a difficult time finding someone to go. That's sad. These kind of projects are a good challenge, give you good experience, give you the opportunity to travel, AND give you good visibility (if you're into that sort of thing).

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Things are returning to “normal”

HC’s grandmother’s funeral was nice. It was just family members there. (But that’s what happens when you outlive everyone else. 98 years old!) The weather cooperated by giving us a warm sunny day. It was nice to get caught up with her cousin’s from out of town.

We went for what may be the final top down road trip of the season last weekend. We tried a different trail at Moraine State Park. It was too short and too close to the roads but now we know. HRH had a good time. He even got to take a bit of a dip in the lake AND chase seagulls. He fancied himself a meal of waterfowl but alas it was not meant to be. It was very funny to see him swimming around out there determined to get him some bird. But those pesky things were just too fast and there’s that whole flying thing they do…That damn dog cracks me up!!!!

Work has been hectic. My projects are moving along. Managing that group is a challenge. So much negativity. So many reasons why things can’t be done. I’m saving it up for a post about quitting/giving up. The customers are full of questions and requests.

HC and I are getting the house cleaned up for a belated Oktoberfest party. We’ve been itching to have people over for a while but LIFE, time, schedules, money, and energy level conspired against us. I’ll be making a roasted pork loin, kielbasa, sauerkraut, and red cabbage. The sauerkraut will be made Alsatian style with champagne, a.k.a. choucroute. HC will make some sauerkraut with brown sugar. Some of the guests will be bringing the German potato salad and dessert. There will be beer. 5 liter mini-kegs-o-beer. 5 liter mini-kegs-o-dark-German-beer.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

HC’s Grandmother passed away yesterday evening

HC’s doing OK. Her grandmother had been in declining health the past few months. No major illness but when you’re in your mid 90’s everything adds up. Grandma had been wanting to go for over a year. She told us a few times.

One time we took her to the Penn Brewery for beer and potato pancakes. (Among her favorites) After dinner she said she thought it was going to be her last dinner out. She didn’t think she’d be able to go out anymore. It was too tough on her to get around. We told her it was OK. Maybe she was just having a bad day with her leg acting up. We also told her we’d bring dinners to her so she wouldn’t have to miss out on her favorites.

It turns out we were able to get her out a few more times but we could tell it was getting harder and harder for her to get in and out of the car, get out of the chair at the restaurant, etc…

We were also able to bring her take out a few times before her illness.


I’ve got mixed feelings right now. I’m happy for her since she’s freed from the burdens of failing health and a body that wouldn’t do as she wanted. I’m sad I won’t get to see her in person anymore. She had a good long life. Lived through a World War. (I remember her talking about the German soldiers sleeping in their front yard.) Emigrated from Lithuania. Made a life in a new country. Married. Raised her children.

I knew her for the last 9 years. And she was always nice to me. I admired her for the amount of independence she had at her age. She lived in an apartment connected to my In-Laws place. She cooked and cleaned for herself. Went out to dinner with us. Mostly blind and hard of hearing but that’s not too bad for as old as she was.

So yeah. Mixed feelings.

Monday, October 02, 2006

How was the weekend ChowderHead?

My weekend was good. It went by too quickly but they all do.

Friday night we vegetated with HRH and the TV. We watched Alfonso Ribeiro, Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, win Celebrity Duets.

Saturday we took some of HC’s stuff (faux finished furniture, beaded votives, beaded bottles, decorated picture frames, beaded fall themed garland) to her sales space. I was her Goon. (ME lift heavy objects.) She’s the talent, I’m the muscle. The division of labor keeps things simple. The ladies at the store had a good laugh about it.
We swung by the nursing home to see her grandmother afterwards. She's in her upper 90's we think and she's slipping away. It's very sad. But on the bright side she had a good & long life. Not many health problems until the last few years. After the visit we went off to find more furniture for her to customize. (no luck) We stopped in the Strip District for me to pick up some needed grocery items. Then off to IKEA for more art supplies.

Sunday morning yoga was nice. Yoga has really helped me feel better. I feel more limber, less aches and pains. We had a nice big greasy breakfast to counteract all the goodness we inflicted on our bodies. I harvested the majority of the basil in the garden and processed it for freezing. Fresh basil is best but frozen basil will do. Besides I prefer it over dried any day. We went over to J’s for dinner. Mixed green salad with a balsamic and fig dressing, pasta carbonara, and a lovely out of this world roast.